Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thoughts on Christian Union Leadership 1:-Humility

There may be a time during your University career where you may be asked by the outgoing leadership to be one of their successors.

Let me tell you something now. You are not a cut above the rest, you are NOT more Godly, more clever or more special, than anyone else in your CU. You are NOT a dictator, nor are you ready for the job you have been offered. If you think ANY of these things at all then do NOT accept the job, full stop.

Luke 14:11 states: "For everyone who exhalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."

This is the most dangerous challenge of CU leadership, and you would do well to remember this now.

At the end of the first term of my first year at Lancaster, I was asked to serve as a small group leader. I was over the moon, and bursted to say yes immediately. However, my current leaders who were asking me encouraged me to really pray and think about it over the Christmas holidays.

I just thought 'yes' and thought and prayed nothing else.

Can we see a pattern here? It was all about me. Yes I wanted to do it. Yes I feel amazing at being asked, therefore I must be special. Not a single thought for God at all. Not even a single thought that I would be required to teach the Bible!

Thankfully, being a CU small group leader is not being a church small group leader. Our CU staffworker gave us the study, which we as a pair of leaders per college group would adapt to our style.

I look back on that year fondly. It was a challenge and hardship, which we will deal more with later in subsequent posts. It was a time I loved.

What lay underneath however, was a very, very prideful disposition that was unwilling to give it up. So when it came round to the end of my tenure, I began speculating that I must be being put forward for the CU exec. President no less! It actually makes me laugh now.

However, Jesus' words in Luke became apparent to me when I was asked instead to serve as the Tech Team leader, always behind the scenes, always working hard, and rarely seeing gratitude. It had once been described to me as a thankless service.

That was indeed a humbling experience, and that year was indeed a struggle, yet it was awesome to serve in that way.

So prospective CU leaders. Be warned, be humble. For it is by God's grace you are savedm not your merits. Do all for God, not yourself.

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