Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just watching the world go by

It's interesting isn't it, if you just take a bit of time to sit and watch stuff: People and places are changing every second.
I mean, you feel secure, safe, not moving, hopefully in a warm computer lab like me instead of in Lancaster's torrential downpour. I've been in here since 10:30 and my trousers are yet to dry. My socks that were damp from washing that I put on this morning are dry now ironically.
I'm in a bit of a random mood, and I haven't started writing this post with a set pattern, to be fair, I don't plan them much lol :)
The amount of access I've got to the global village that is now the world is quite astonishing when you think about it. I mean, type anything into google and it will generally be there.
Have you ever googled yourself? Go on, have a go for a second (UNLESS YOU HAVE IMPORANT WORK TO DO).
I find it quite funny, and also slightly alarming that the first...oh I'v forgotten...hang on a sec..........FLIPPING HECK 23 POSTS ARE ACTUALLY ABOUT ME! That's 5 pages worth! Dude!
Ok that is crazy!
Man, that has actually shocked me. Not that I'm afraid, it's just so weird now that I think about it.
Another normal event in Faraday, I'm totally surrounded by CU people, and I'm wearing my old CU t shirt, it's just like nothing has changed, although of course, it has. I'm not a student anymore, I'm just using the internet because I don't have any at home.
This has gotten weird...ahh well, thats me done for now :)

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