Here's some thoughts on that as I've been prepping some stuff on Colossians as part of Six Steps to Encouragement:-
Read Colossians
What do we need
to pray for in encouraging others? How does this compare with what we normally
pray for them?
generally pray that their suffering will end and they’ll just be happy. Which
isn’t a bad thing to pray for, but Paul’s prayers are much more in line with
what God is doing, e.g. v9 onwards. He’s praying that God will fill them with
knowledge of His will (I take that to mean general Biblical rather than
person-specific) and understanding (v9). And he prays this that they will live
godly and wise lives that are worthy
of the Lord (WOW!) and please Him in
every way (v10). So that the bear fruit, growing strong and enduring in joy
and thanksgiving to God, who has saved them. This is all in context of v1-8,
where he prays in thanksgiving for their response to the gospel. In other words
Paul prays for people that need encouraging to trust God, and do good. That
will be hard, but that’s the work God does: growing and conforming us to the
likeness of His Son (Romans 8:28-31). We need to pray in line with God’s work,
and not for a painless end to hard times!