Thursday, March 17, 2011


I had a phone call from the job centre a couple of days ago. Thinking these days were over, I timidly answered the call.
They were just doing a quick review of what I was up to these days.

At that moment I was struck by the mercy of God. Thinking back to when I started the blog, I was jobless, unmarried and hanging on to a room in Lancaster by a thread. Now, a year and a half later, God has allowed Jo and I to get married, gien me full time work, and we are both still serving at Moorlands church in Lancaster.

How great is our God!

Times can be very hard, and we are never promised an easy time, far from it. How merciful is God, to chose before we were born, to save us from our deserved judgement by sending Jesus to die in our place, so that we might be children of God, awaiting a future where every tear will be wiped away as God's promised New Creation comes. How merciful is He to use our trials to mold us to be more like Christ.

How merciful He is in providing for His children.

I confess that I am sometimes prone to apathy and stress, in my job, my marriage, and to the small group I lead at church, yet how far has God brought me.

Times are hard, and trials pain us, but look to the merciful God of the universe, and His saving mercy found only in Christ crucified, and remember just how many abounding mercies He provides dailys.

Join me in praising God today.

Monday, January 31, 2011

New Name

So it's been a long while.

I've changed the name to refelct the purpose of this blog, that is, to "proclaim the truth of the Bible, to encourage readers to trust in Christ, and keep going for Him until the End."

My prayer is that God will be speaking through His Word the Bible, not mine, in order to spur faith and trust in His people, to spur them on for Him.

Revelation 2:7 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God."